Apprentice Help/YDK League Rules

These rules must be followed by participating in the ladder for the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game via Internet. Click Here to go and sign up.

League Rules:
*Card Restrictions* One Card in Each Deck: Pot of Greed, Change of Heart, Dark Hole Witch of the Black Forest, Raigeki, Monster Reborn, Snatch Steal, Morphing Jar, Limiter Removal, Mirror Force, The Forceful Sentry, Card Destruction Delinquent Duo, Swords of Revealing Light, Jinzo, Exodia the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Confiscation, Painful Choice, Call of The Hunted, Upstart Goblin, Cyber Jar, Imperial Order, Ceasefire, Premature Burial. Only Allowed Two per deck : Nobleman of Crossout,phing Jar #2, Sangan, Backup Soldier, Heavy Storm, Nobleman of Crossout
No Peeking at Face-Down Cards UNLESS Your oppnent has none on his/her side of the field.
HOW TO MAKE A GAME LOG - The game MUST be still on apprentice, 1st Go to file, then buffer, and then name the log file. Try to name it something like, YourNameVs.Opp.Name, and then save it. This can be used if your opponent does not report the duel and or cheats. This is the proof that is shown to the ladder adminstrators. You must have Apprentice and The Patch.
Here's how you get started: Download Apprentice by clicking here and download that applies to your computer. Also, You'll need to download the patch which is able to get by clicking here Here's what you do after you've downloaded both the patch and Apprentice.

Step 1: After you download the patch, open it up, and it'll say "I agree." like in every other download. Next is Unzipping the patch. After you open it and click "I agree," you'll see the file list with stuff like cardinfo.dat and .Expan and other files. You must have Winzip to unzip the patch.

Step 2: Next, with the window with the files showing cardinfo.dat, Expan.dat, Format.Dat, and Rules.Dat you will go up to the options you have on winzip. Look for the one that says "Extract" on it and click it. Then look in the far left corner to where it says "Extract To". Type in or browse for: C:\Apprentice. Next, it'll ask you a question, click "Yes to All".
You're Done!! Now, Time to learn the Basic Commands and buttons you'll use in every duel.
The Little wand with the little green beam comming out of it is to Start Up A New Game
The Button next to it, with a book and some type of writing utencil is to opn your deck editor which allows you to make and save a deck.
The Little sign that looks like a triagnle and a T by, looks like >T i to End Your turn.
The Icon with the Heart (No Sigs by it) Just a heart, is your life points editor. Usually you set it to 8,000 Depending on the type of duel you decide to play, which is discussed BEFORE the match.
Next is the little Red Book, that enables you to Shuffle your Libary (Deck).
The icon next to it, looks like some type of cross is to view your Graveyard.
The one next to the cross icon is a Garbage Can, or Trash Can. It allows you to view the cards you have removed from the game.

How To Make A Deck: To make a deck go to the icon that has a book and some sort of writing utensil or just go to File > Deck Editor. Next, you'll see 2 columns. One with a list of cards, one with none. On the left side, Search for the card you want to be put into your deck and then go to "Add". Click "Add" for the amount of cards you want to put in of this card you just searched for. To Remove a card from your deck, highlight it with your cursor and then hit the delete button. After you've done that, go to the top and find the Floppy Disk Icon. lick it and save your deck.

Start Playing: Now that you've saved your deck, Click the New Game Icon or File > New Game. Next a screen comes up to you. Now, go to Load Deck and look for the deck that you just made and saved. It's in Alphabetical order, so it shouldn't be hard to find it. Then look for the "Starting Cards In Hand" Set it to 5. Also, if you want, set a message for everytime you duel an oppenent. Finally, on the top right corner, look for Game Type. Switch it to "Connect Via the Internet. Then another screen comes up which will connect you to your oppenent. Find an oppenent in the chatroom and then you can either call your oppent or he/she can call you. If your oppenent is calling you, Bubble in the "Waiting For Call" Spot and below it is "My Current Ip". Copy and paste those Numbers you see exactly to your oppenent. Your oppenent, then bubbles the "Calling my oppenent at" spot and puts in the IP Number. Then Your Started!

Change your Name: It starts you off with the name Scrub when you first start the Apprentce until you change the settings. To do this, go to "Options" menu and choose "Set Name"

Next you see a chatting box. That's where you say your attacks and your moves. If that is ever gone and you can't see what's being said go to Communications > Chat > Bring to Top.

Other Duel Commands: You'll see the "File" button at the top left corner, right? Well slide to the right and lok for View and Show. These commands let you View your stuff. Like Deck, Graveyard, Opponent's Graveyard etc. Next is Show, This allows you to show your Hand, or cards from the Top of your Deck or even a random card from your deck.

Who's First? To decide who's first you flip a coin. To do so, do: Action > Flip a Coin or Control + F. To play cards, highlight one from your hand and HOLDING Shift and drag it onto the Field with your mouse. To Signify your attacking right click monster and click Attack without Tapping". For Defense Mode, right click and hit "Tap". To Show that your monster has an increase in DEF/ATK that come from Equip Cards right click and hit "set-couters".Then typeithe New DEF/ATK amount.Also, for continous cards such as Swords Of Revealing Light, use Set-Counters and for example, for SORL you'd set it to 3. Then, after your oppnents turn, Take Off one counter by going to "Set Counters" and make it 2. Last, but not lease, to Send a card to the Graveyard, right-click it and click bury. -That's About All.- Get Apprentice And The Patch. It's REALLY Fun and brings a new meaning to the internet. -Dark Magician